Influence of fly ashes with different glassy phase structure on properties of cement pastes and mortars

Ewelina Tkaczewska

Department of Building Material Technology; Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics; AGH University of Science and Technology (Poland)


Work analyzes relationship between fly ash pozzolanic activity and structure of its glass component. Model silica fly ashes are prepared by mixing synthetic glass, synthetic mullite and SiO2. Chemical composition of glasses was based on value of parameter ASI, defined as ratio of Al2O3/(Na2O+K2O+2CaO). Glass structure was built main by tetrahedra SiO4. In glass of parameter ASI<1, Al ions occur only in tetrahera AlO4, but in glass of parameter ASI>1, additionally in octahedra AlO6. It was found that glass containing in its structure Al ion in coordination 4 and 6 shows greater reactivity – more active Al2O3, higher pozzolanic indexes and positive effect on lime mortar strength. Cement with addition of ash containing glass of higher value of ASI has higher hydration heat and higher compressive strength. Using 20wt% of ashes it is possible to obtain cement CEM II/A-V, class 32.5R (Al ion in AlO4) or class 42.5N (Al ion in AlO4 and AlO6)


glass, cement, hydration heat, compressive strength, microstructure

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Cited by

Tkaczewska, E. (2013) “Influence of fly ashes with different glassy phase structure on properties of cement pastes and mortars”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 12(4), pp. 029–040. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.1956.


Ewelina Tkaczewska 

Department of Building Material Technology; Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics; AGH University of Science and Technology Poland


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