Anno 1928 competition for projects of Orthodox Churches in the Second Polish Republic: in searching new architectural identity

Petro Rychkov

Department of Historic Building Preservation; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology (Ukraine)

Olga Mykhaylyshyn

Department of Architecture and Environmental Design; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; National University of Water and Nature Resources in Rivne (Ukraine) (Ukraine)


Staying of Polish lands in the Russian Empire was accompanied by active construction of Orthodox churches in “Moscow-Byzantine” style. After regeneration of II Rzeczpospolita its authorities try to generate such new trends in church architecture, which would not have symbolic associations with imperial building art. With this purpose in 1927, it was announced competition for the projects of future Orthodox churches with new functional and compositional requirements. The article discusses the conditions of this competition and its results.


II Polish Republic, Church architecture, style, sacral identity, competition

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Cited by

Rychkov, P. and Mykhaylyshyn, O. (2013) “Anno 1928 competition for projects of Orthodox Churches in the Second Polish Republic: in searching new architectural identity”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 12(4), pp. 189–204. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.1974.


Petro Rychkov 

Department of Historic Building Preservation; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology Ukraine


Olga Mykhaylyshyn 

Department of Architecture and Environmental Design; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; National University of Water and Nature Resources in Rivne (Ukraine) Ukraine


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