Praktyczne aspekty wymiarowania belek żelbetowych podwójnie zbrojonych w świetle PN-EN 1992-1-1
Tadeusz Ciężak
Department of Construction Methods and Management; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
This paper presents a methodology of dimensioning of double reinforced concrete beams which are reinforced in the light of the requirements of the EC2 [1] in two variants. In the first variant, the limiting value of the compression zone was determined on the basis of limiting strains of concrete and steel. The maximum degree of concrete reinforcement of bending elements are assumed in the second case. The considered problem is illustrated by computational examples in relation to the concrete classes C30/37 and C70/85. Results of the calculations cannot be the basis for generalizations, however, differences in the section of the reinforcement determined in both cases are small and do not exceed 6%.
double reinforced concrete beams, dimensioningReferences
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Tadeusz CiężakDepartment of Construction Methods and Management; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology Poland
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