Objects for storing fruits, vegetables or potatoes

Andrzej Chądzyński

Faculty of Architecture; Wrocław University of Technology (Poland)

Marek Piróg

Faculty of Architecture; Wrocław University of Technology (Poland)


Properly designed and implemented specialized storage objects guarantee specialist storing of the discussed group of agricultural products. They make independent the whole process of  storage, improving and the trade of goods from conditions of the outside climate. Storage spaces and cold stores are currently a highly specialized group of objects of the food industry infrastructure. The program of the designed object  constitutes the basis for the forming of its functional arrangement and the form of the object. In the storage building it is subordinate to the technology and the functional and spatial arrangement of the building follows the arrangement of the technological thrust. The object being a casing of the technological process of storing should form a possibly closed and tight microclimatic space and the building partition system along with an air-conditioning units should enable to keep adequate parameters of the interior microclimate on a particular level. The factors of the microclimate influencing the storage conditions are: temperature, relative humidity of air, gas composition of the atmosphere surrounding agricultural products and the air movement in the storage space.


storing fruits, vegetables, potatoes, object, function, form

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Cited by

Chądzyński, A. and Piróg, M. (2013) “Objects for storing fruits, vegetables or potatoes ”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 12(3), pp. 007–012. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.1981.


Andrzej Chądzyński 

Faculty of Architecture; Wrocław University of Technology Poland


Marek Piróg 

Faculty of Architecture; Wrocław University of Technology Poland


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