The analysis on the correlation parameters of the embankment compaction under in situ conditions
Maciej Kumor
Department of Geotechnics; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture; University of Technology of Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz (Poland)
Łukasz Kumor
Geotechnical Department; Faculty of Civil Engineering Architecture and Environment Engineering; University Technology and Life Science (Poland)
Joanna Farmas
Geotechnical Department; Faculty of Civil Engineering Architecture and Environment Engineering; University Technology and Life Science (Poland)
Geotechnical assessment of the implementation correctness of a road embankment wide range of issues, among which important selection and control of the quality of the earthworks are extremely significant. The article presents results of in situ tests determining correlations between the depending parameters defined by a static plate – VSS test – E1 and E2, and obtained from the study LFG Dynamic Load Plate. Studies indicate that the determination of the correlation between the parameters characterizing the particle size distribution (Cc, Cu, D10, D20, D30, D60), and the compaction parameters obtained by examining the compaction of sand embankment (Evd, E1, E2, I0) is physically complex and hence extremely difficult.
embankment, compaction parameters, correlationReferences
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Maciej KumorDepartment of Geotechnics; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture; University of Technology of Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz Poland
Łukasz KumorGeotechnical Department; Faculty of Civil Engineering Architecture and Environment Engineering; University Technology and Life Science Poland
Joanna FarmasGeotechnical Department; Faculty of Civil Engineering Architecture and Environment Engineering; University Technology and Life Science Poland
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