Choosing approximation function for the model of settlement load curve, in static load test for precast concrete piles

Zygmunt Meyer

Geotechnical division; Civil engineering department; Westpomeranian Technical University in Szczecin (Poland)

Grzegorz Szmechel

Geotechnical division; Civil engineering department; Westpomeranian Technical University in Szczecin (Poland)


The main aim of the work is to define better correlation between parameters of Meyer- Kowalów equation [7,8] with the use of mathematical experiments and statistical tests. So far the research has shown that correlation between particular factors are different than common assumed. It was necessary to check non linear correlations between C-constant and k.  A certain constant and starting data were assumed in the theoretical model applied to the paper.  As a result of the mathematical experiments, the best fit proposal of estimation C and equation representingk=k(Ngr)was formulated.


pile capacity, static load test interpretation, bearing capacity

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Cited by

Meyer, Z. and Szmechel, G. (2013) “Choosing approximation function for the model of settlement load curve, in static load test for precast concrete piles”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 12(3), pp. 105–112. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.1996.


Zygmunt Meyer 

Geotechnical division; Civil engineering department; Westpomeranian Technical University in Szczecin Poland


Grzegorz Szmechel 

Geotechnical division; Civil engineering department; Westpomeranian Technical University in Szczecin Poland


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