Relationship between consistency parameters and granulation of fen soils
Krzysztof Wilk
Department of Geodesy and Geotechnics; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Rzeszow University of Technology (Poland)
Determination of bearing capacity requires knowledge of the ground strength parameters. The best way to appreciate soil properties is the use of the direct research methods. In the case of less responsible buildings, projected on the simple ground structure, it often seems reasonable to adopt conservative soil parameters without performing a complex analysis. The base for determination the values of the geotechnical parameters is the estimation based on the correlation between the mechanical and geotechnical parameters of soil. It is important not only for the new building design, but also to facilitate the verification of the substrate quality during the execution of the work. This paper presents the relationship between granulation (clay fraction content) and soil consistency parameters (plastic limit, liquid limit, plasticity index and liquidity index). The analyzed values are determined as a result of alluvial ground studies. These soils were consequent upon the accumulation of river. The founded relationships were described by linear equations and were compared with the results presented in the geotechnical literature. These comparisons often show a significant effect of regional ground forming conditions on the parameters of consistency.
fen soils, consistency limits, soils granulation, clay fraction, liquidity indexReferences
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Krzysztof WilkDepartment of Geodesy and Geotechnics; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Rzeszow University of Technology Poland
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