The influence of internal installation solutions in single-family housing on the "EP" factor in the light of the new requirements of WT 2021
Aneta Biała
aneta.biala@put.poznan.plInstitute of Architecture and Spatial Planning; Faculty of Architecture; Poznań University of Technology; (Poland)
The first part of the article presents the upcoming changes in the regulations regarding energy consumption by single-family housing. Current and forthcoming requirements in 2021 for building insulation and maximum EP primary energy demand factor were indicated. The second part of the paper presents the results of research aimed at determining what type of heat source for heating purposes and the type of ventilation will be able to meet the latest requirements. The analysis was based on the determination and comparison of the EP factor in the considered single-family building for selected heating variants assuming two different types of ventilation: gravitational and mechanical supply-exhaust with heat recovery system. Based on the results obtained, an attempt was made to determine the tendency of changes in the design of single-family buildings in terms of choosing the type of heating and ventilation.
energy consumption, building energy efficiency, energy performanceReferences
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Aneta Biał
Institute of Architecture and Spatial Planning; Faculty of Architecture; Poznań University of Technology; Poland
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