Many beginnings: the thought, thinkers and actions behind the planet-oriented architecture
Adrian Krezlik
up201900286@arq.up.ptFaculty of Architecture; University of Porto (Portugal)
The article maps multiple planet-oriented movements in the history of modern (predominantly western) architecture. It looks for architectural pronunciation of social movements, political actions and historical moments. In writings of acclaimed architects and authors, it searches for origins of organic, vernacular and tropical architecture and their offspring in the contemporary approaches, views and design. The article documents changes of perception of relation between man, nature and architecture. It commences with the very first attempts to understand this relationship: idealization and romanticisation of nature, it finishes with the most contemporary analyses based on the holistic approach and computer simulation. The article draws an extensive panorama of authors and publications that researched planted-oriented architecture.
modern architecture, planet-oriented architecture, organic architecture, vernacular architecture, tropical architecture, regenerative designReferences
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Faculty of Architecture; University of Porto Portugal
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