Reuse of ceramic sanitary waste as an aggregate in concrete resistant to high temperature

Anna Halicka

Department of Structural Engineering; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology (Poland)

Paweł Ogrodnik

Fire-fighting Technology Unit; Faculty of Fire Safety Engineering; The Main School of Fire Service (Poland)

Bartosz Zegardło

Civil Engineering Unit; Technical Science Faculty; Collegium Mazovia – Innovative Higher School in Siedlce (Poland)


In this paper the studies on reuse of ceramic sanitary ware wastes as aggregate in the concrete resistant to high temperatures are presented. Concrete specimens containing alumina cement and crushed sanitary ceramic wastes as an aggregate were heated in 1000oC. It was found that after heating, these specimens preserved their shape and cohesion, and showed no cracks and defects. In contrast, specimens of concrete with alumina cement and traditional aggregate (granite and gravel) after heating were cracked and damaged. Despite some decrease in strength after heating, specimens with sanitary ceramic wastes continued to display high compressive strength and tensile strength. 


sanitary ceramic wastes, aggregate, high temperature resistance

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Cited by

Halicka, A., Ogrodnik, P. and Zegardło, B. (2013) “Reuse of ceramic sanitary waste as an aggregate in concrete resistant to high temperature”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 12(3), pp. 153–160. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.2027.


Anna Halicka 

Department of Structural Engineering; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology Poland


Paweł Ogrodnik 

Fire-fighting Technology Unit; Faculty of Fire Safety Engineering; The Main School of Fire Service Poland


Bartosz Zegardło 

Civil Engineering Unit; Technical Science Faculty; Collegium Mazovia – Innovative Higher School in Siedlce Poland


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