The influence of zeolites on hydration process of mineral binders
Jan Małolepszy
Department of Building Materials Technology; Faculty of Material Science and Ceramics; AGH University of Science and Technology (Poland)
Ewelina Grabowska
Department of Building Materials Technology; Faculty of Material Science and Ceramics; AGH University of Science and Technology (Poland)
This paper presents the results of physical and chemical properties of zeolite - clinoptilolite (Z), on the basis of which its usefulness in different terms and applications was assessed. Same pozzolan was also investigated and analyzed in term of the changes that it causes in the system pozzolan - cement – lime - sand - water with different content of ingredients. In order to identify the hydration products in the natural conditions, infusion (80ºC) and autoclaving (180°C) XRD, DTA / TG and SEM was used. The results indicate that clinoptilolite is characterized by moderate pozzolanic activity and can be successfully used as a pozzolanic additive for cement, and a binder in the production of aerated concrete.
clinoptilolite, Ca(OH)2, pozzolanic activity, hydrothermal conditions, C-S-H, hydrogarnetsReferences
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Jan MałolepszyDepartment of Building Materials Technology; Faculty of Material Science and Ceramics; AGH University of Science and Technology Poland
Ewelina GrabowskaDepartment of Building Materials Technology; Faculty of Material Science and Ceramics; AGH University of Science and Technology Poland
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