The Historic Root Cellars in Pierzchnica

Paweł Kossakowski

Department of Strength of Materials and Concrete Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Kielce University of Technology (Poland)


Paper presents a rather unusual object which is historic root cellars in Pierzchnica. It is a complex of 82 cellars located on the Cellar Hill. The grouping of cellars in one place is unique in the country. The article describes the architecture, design and condition of the cellars. The current inventory of the object made in 2013 is presented, comparing it with the results of the work carried out by the author in 1997. It also presents the concept of adaptation of cellars in terms of opportunities of development in the region.


Cellar Hill in Pierzchnica, Pierzchnica, root cellars, monument of rural architecture

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Cited by

Kossakowski, P. (2013) “The Historic Root Cellars in Pierzchnica”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 12(3), pp. 263–270. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.2054.


Paweł Kossakowski 

Department of Strength of Materials and Concrete Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Kielce University of Technology Poland


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