Mechanical performance of FRP-RC flexural members subjected to fire conditions
Kostiantyn Protchenko of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology; 16 Armii Ludowej av., 00-637 Warsaw; (Poland)
Elżbieta Szmigiera
Faculty of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology; 16 Armii Ludowej av., 00-637 Warsaw; (Poland)
Marek Urbański
Faculty of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology; 16 Armii Ludowej av., 00-637 Warsaw; (Poland)
Andrzej Garbacz
Faculty of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology; 16 Armii Ludowej av., 00-637 Warsaw; (Poland)
One of the main concerns that limit the widespread use of Fibre-Reinforced Polymers (FRP) bars as internal reinforcement for reinforced concrete (RC) structures is their relatively unexplored response to elevated temperatures. The behaviour of FRP reinforcement at elevated temperature as well as their post-fire behaviour can be different from conventional reinforcement and depends on the properties of the constituents of the bars. Therefore, the fire resistance of FRP-RC structures is an important issue that needs careful investigation before FRP reinforcement can be implemented in RC structures.
The experimental results for full-scale FRP-RC beams subjected to specific fire action were presented and discussed in this paper. The specimens were exposed to heat in the mid-section from below (tension zone) and from the sides. As one of the main aims was to examine the influence of different reinforcement configurations, the testing was made for concrete beams reinforced with three different types of FRP bars: (i) basalt-FRP (BFRP), (ii) hybrid FRP with carbon and basalt fibres (HFRP) and (iii) nano-hybrid FRP (nHFRP), with modification of the epoxy matrix of the rebars.
The present work describes the behaviour of FRP-RC beams exposed to fire conditions and simultaneous loading (50 % of their ultimate strength capacity at normal temperature) and unloaded beams were tested after the cooling phase in order to evaluate their residual resistance.
Present work shows that the type of FRP bars used has a direct influence on the outcomes and the way of destruction. The maximum ductility, the longest heating time of approximately 100 minutes, was obtained for beams reinforced with BFRP bars and attained deflections were corresponded to the value of 162 mm.
Supporting Agencies
Fibre-Reinforced Polymers (FRP) bars, Hybrid FRP bars, FRP-RC beams, Fire resistance of FRP, Fire resistance of FRP-RC membersReferences
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Faculty of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology; 16 Armii Ludowej av., 00-637 Warsaw; Poland
Elżbieta SzmigieraFaculty of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology; 16 Armii Ludowej av., 00-637 Warsaw; Poland
Marek UrbańskiFaculty of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology; 16 Armii Ludowej av., 00-637 Warsaw; Poland
Andrzej GarbaczFaculty of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology; 16 Armii Ludowej av., 00-637 Warsaw; Poland
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