The lateral buckling of steel I-shape beams with continuous torsional elastic restraints
Roman Bijak
Department of Mechanics, Metal Structures and Computer Methods; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Kielce University of Technology (Poland)
A simple model of the lateral buckling of steel I-shape beams with elastic and continuous torsional restraints was developed. The lateral buckling beams with free warping were formulated as differential equations in terms of torsion angle. The stability equations were approximately solved with the use of the Bubnow-Galerkin orthogonalization method. The proposed approximate formulas provide the estimation of lateral buckling moment with good enough accuracy for designing purposes.
thin-walled bars, open cross-section, continuous torsional elastic restraintsReferences
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Roman BijakDepartment of Mechanics, Metal Structures and Computer Methods; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Kielce University of Technology Poland
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