The modal analysis of cylindrical steel tank with selfsupported roof filled with different level of liquid

Daniel Burkacki

Department of Metal Structures and Construction Management; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Gdansk University of Technology (Poland)

Michał Wójcik

Department of Building and Material Engineering; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Gdansk University of Technology (Poland)

Robert Jankowski

Department of Metal Structures and Construction Management; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Gdansk University of Technology (Poland)


In technical branches, such as chemical or petroleum industries, cylindrical steel tanks are essential structures used for storage of liquid products. Therefore, their safety and reliability is essential, because any failure might have dangerous consequences, in extreme cases may even lead to an environmental disaster. The aim of the presented paper is to show the results of the modal analysis concerning the cylindrical steel tank with self-supported roof which has been constructed in northern Poland. The investigation was carried out with the use of the FEM commercial computer program Abaqus. The values of natural frequencies, as well as the natural modes, for different levels of liquid filling (empty tank, partly filled and tank fully filled) were determined in the study. The results of the study clearly indicate that the increase in the liquid level leads to the substantial decrease in the natural frequencies of the structure.


numerical study, modal analysis, cylindrical steel tank, self-supported roof

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Cited by

Burkacki, D., Wójcik, M. and Jankowski, R. (2013) “The modal analysis of cylindrical steel tank with selfsupported roof filled with different level of liquid”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 12(2), pp. 205–212. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.2132.


Daniel Burkacki 

Department of Metal Structures and Construction Management; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Gdansk University of Technology Poland


Michał Wójcik 

Department of Building and Material Engineering; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Gdansk University of Technology Poland


Robert Jankowski 

Department of Metal Structures and Construction Management; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Gdansk University of Technology Poland


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