An innovative safety format for structural system robustness checking

Andrei Tur

Department of Building Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Brest State Technical University; Moskovskaya 267, 224017 Brest, Belarus (Belarus)

Viktar Tur
Department of Building Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences; Bialystok University of Technology; 45E, Wiejska Street, 15-034 Bialystok, Poland (Poland)

Stanislav Derechennik

Department of Computers and Computer Systems; Faculty of Electronic Information Systems; Brest State Technical University; Moskovskaya 267, 224017 Brest, Belarus (Belarus)

Aliaksandr Lizahub

Department of Building Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Brest State Technical University; Moskovskaya 267, 224017 Brest, Belarus (Belarus)


The estimation of structural robustness remains one of the most important stages of the design of structural systems. Recommended design strategies for the robustness assessment are based on the provisions specified in the actual EN 1991-1-7 and ISO 2394:2015. Currently, the EN 1991-1-7 and ISO2394:2015 allows the use of indirect tie-force method, but normally, non-linear pseudo-static analysis is widely used, because it is based on more realistic constitutive relations for basic variables, which enables a simulation of the real structural behaviour. Implementation of the non-linear pseudo-static analysis for the assessment of a structural system in accidental design situations requires to adopt a different approach to safety format.

The paper presents an innovative approach to safety format calibration for non-linear analysis of RC-structures subjected to accidental loads. The proposed method of the robustness estimation is based on the joint energy-saving (conversion) approach and the full probabilistic method for the estimation of a safety format for pseudo-static non-linear response of modified (damaged) structural system. The proposed probabilistic considerations are based on the Order Statistic Theory.


robustness, progressive collapse, reliability, safety format, pseudo-static response

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Cited by

Tur, A. (2020) “An innovative safety format for structural system robustness checking”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 19(4), pp. 067–079. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.2133.


Andrei Tur 

Department of Building Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Brest State Technical University; Moskovskaya 267, 224017 Brest, Belarus Belarus


Viktar Tur
Department of Building Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences; Bialystok University of Technology; 45E, Wiejska Street, 15-034 Bialystok, Poland Poland


Stanislav Derechennik 

Department of Computers and Computer Systems; Faculty of Electronic Information Systems; Brest State Technical University; Moskovskaya 267, 224017 Brest, Belarus Belarus


Aliaksandr Lizahub 

Department of Building Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Brest State Technical University; Moskovskaya 267, 224017 Brest, Belarus Belarus


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