Partial factors for cross-section resistance of elements in steel structures
Marian Giżejowski
Institute of Building Engineering; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)
Zbigniew Stachura
Institute of Building Engineering; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)
Issues related to safety requirements for steel elements subjected to different stress resultants in reference to limit states design philosophy according to Structural Eurocodes PN-EN and national codes PN-B are dealt with in the paper. The calibration of partial cross-section resistance factors is discussed on the basis of elements of steel floor structures where the permanent load component and the live load component of variable actions are the only components of load combinations. Final conclusions for their practical application in the codification process are formulated and values of partial factors for cross section resistance are proposed.
steel elements, cross-section resistance, partial factorsReferences
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Marian GiżejowskiInstitute of Building Engineering; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology Poland
Zbigniew StachuraInstitute of Building Engineering; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology Poland
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