Moment – rotation dependence under fire conditions for steel beam-to-column joint with known flexibility

Mariusz Maślak

Department of Steel Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Cracow University of Technology (Poland)

Małgorzata Snela

Department of Building Structures; Faculty od Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin Univercity of Technology (Poland)


Simplified methodology helpful in a reliable specification of moment - rotation dependences characterizing the steel beam-to-column joint flexibility under fully developed fire conditions is presented and discussed in detail. The shape of identified dependences changes with the temperature increase of the members connected in the considered joint. The analogous relation, known a priori and determined for examined joint being under persistent design situation, is adopted as the reference dependence specified on the basis of the classical component approach. In the presented paper the alternative calculation technique, recommended by the authors in this field, deals with the replacement of such reference relation by another one resulted from the use of Richard – Abbott formal model. Furthermore, the additional approach, taken from the standard PN-EN 1993-1-8, is examined for comparative purposes. To transform such input dependence, related to the room member temperature, into the case of fully developed fire scenario it is firstly approximated by suitable segmental curve and afterwards the relative reduction ratios referring to the steel elasticity modulus as well as to the steel yield point, the joint is made of, are taken into consideration. As a result, a number of the requested relations is obtained, differentiated dependently on the assumed member temperature.


fire, temperature, flexibility, rotation, joint, beam, column

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Cited by

Maślak, M. and Snela, M. (2013) “Moment – rotation dependence under fire conditions for steel beam-to-column joint with known flexibility”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 12(2), pp. 237–244. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.2140.


Mariusz Maślak 

Department of Steel Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Cracow University of Technology Poland


Małgorzata Snela 

Department of Building Structures; Faculty od Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin Univercity of Technology Poland


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