Deformability of the masonry subjected to shearing due to vertical displacements
Adam Piekarczyk
Adam.Piekarczyk@polsl.plDepartment of Building Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Silesian University of Technology; 5 Akademicka Street, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland (Poland)
The paper presents the results of tests of masonry specimens subjected to vertical displacement, with limited deformations in a direction parallel to the masonry bed joints (horizontally) and additionally compressed in the direction perpendicular to the bed joints (vertically). Specimens in the form of fragments of masonry walls were made of solid ceramic brick and AAC blocks. Studies have shown that the nature of the relationship between wall deformation angles and shear stresses caused by vertical displacements depends on the values of accompanying compressive stresses normal to the plane of the masonry bed joints. Compressive stresses have a positive effect on the load-bearing capacity and crack resistance of this type of masonry walls and the angles of deformation occurring at the moment of cracking. The dependence of the transverse stiffness modulus on the value of shear stresses is strongly non-linear, but with increasing shear stresses, it stabilises at a certain level independent of the values of compressive stresses associated with shear.
vertical shear, vertical wall displacement, transverse stiffness, shear deformation angleReferences
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Department of Building Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Silesian University of Technology; 5 Akademicka Street, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland Poland
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