Modern solutions of arch-shaped construction for agricultural building halls

Artur Piekarczuk

Building Research Insititute in Poland (Poland)


The paper presents evaluation methods of arch-shaped corrugated steel roof capacity used in an agricultural construction. The arch-shaped corrugated steel roof is easy to install, to use and less expensive than the traditional construction of agricultural buildings. The specific of structure poses many design problems related to the local buckling of profiled sheets. The article presents normative design methods, the most common design errors, trends research methods and numerical calculations.


Arch-shaped corrugated steel roof, profiled steel sheet, steel buildings, local buckling

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Cited by

Piekarczuk, A. (2013) “Modern solutions of arch-shaped construction for agricultural building halls”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 12(2), pp. 259–266. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.2152.


Artur Piekarczuk 

Building Research Insititute in Poland Poland


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