Dynamic characteristics measurements as a part of design assisted by testing in estimation of the steel latticed towers wind loading according to Eurocode

Marcin Skwarek

Pracownia Projektowa M.Skwarek J.Hulimka Sp. J. (Poland)

Jacek Hulimka

Department of Structural Engineering; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Silesian University of Technology (Poland)


Previous authors’ publications, related to the analysis of steel lattice towers, describe some problems connected with it, especially ones referring to the calculations made according to the past Polish Standards. This paper presents the possibilities of measuring the dynamic characteristics of towers, as one of experimental methods allowed in Eurocode, practicable in verification of load capacity of existing structures.


steel latticed towers, wind loads of latticed towers

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Cited by

Skwarek, M. and Hulimka, J. (2013) “Dynamic characteristics measurements as a part of design assisted by testing in estimation of the steel latticed towers wind loading according to Eurocode”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 12(2), pp. 275–282. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.2154.


Marcin Skwarek 

Pracownia Projektowa M.Skwarek J.Hulimka Sp. J. Poland


Jacek Hulimka 

Department of Structural Engineering; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Silesian University of Technology Poland


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