Resistance and stability of steel channel section beams

Radosław Szczerba

Department of Building Structures; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Rzeszów University of Technology (Poland)


Analysis of the resistance and stability of steel beam of channel section loaded in the plane parallel to beam web, which does not pass through shear center, is presented in the paper. The consequence of this is the creation of a torsional moment that generates normal stresses due to bimoment and shear stresses as a result of St. Venant and warping torsion. In the paper, the contribution of those stresses to the global state of stress of simply supported beam is presented. Calculations were made according to Eurocodes and to the Polish Standard PN-90/B-3200. The elastic critical moment for lateral-torsional buckling was calculated with the use of Autodesk Algor Simulation Professional 2012 program.


channel section, St. Venant torsion, warping torsion, bimoment

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Cited by

Szczerba, R. (2013) “Resistance and stability of steel channel section beams”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 12(2), pp. 283–290. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.2155.


Radosław Szczerba 

Department of Building Structures; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Rzeszów University of Technology Poland


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