Resistance of truss N shape joints made with steel RHS in plug & play connections

Jerzy Szlendak

Department of Civil &Environmental Engineering; Bialystok University of Technology; Poland (Poland)

Piotr Oponowicz

Department of Civil &Environmental Engineering; Bialystok University of Technology; Poland (Poland)


Research on resistance of truss N shape RHS joints is presented. Experimental evidence of such joint behaviour tested in natural scale is described. Geometry and material properties of the tested six connections are given. For each specimen axial-deflection curves are presented. The comparison between numerical models by ANSYS software and experimental results is shown. Finally, some important conclusions are given.


Steel truss N shape RHS joints, non-welded plug &play connections, numerical estimation of resistance by ANSYS software, tests of six joints in natural scale

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Szlendak J.K., P.L. Oponowicz P.L. Behaviour of one and double side non-welded T RHS compression truss joints, 7th International Conference on Steel & Aluminium Structures, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, 13th –15th July 2011.
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Szlendak J.K., P.L. Oponowicz P.L. Experimental tests and numerical models of one and double side non-welded T RHS truss joints, 11th International Conference "Modern Building Materials, Structures and Technique, Vilnius, 16-17 May 2013.
DOI:   Google Scholar


Cited by

Szlendak, J. and Oponowicz, P. (2013) “Resistance of truss N shape joints made with steel RHS in plug & play connections ”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 12(2), pp. 291–298. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.2156.


Jerzy Szlendak 

Department of Civil &Environmental Engineering; Bialystok University of Technology; Poland Poland


Piotr Oponowicz 

Department of Civil &Environmental Engineering; Bialystok University of Technology; Poland Poland


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