Studies on the effects of superficial strengthening with FRCM system on compressive strength of AAC masonry
Łukasz Drobiec
Department of Building Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Silesian University of Technology; (Poland)
Wojciech Mazur
wojciech.mazur@polsl.plDepartment of Building Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Silesian University of Technology; (Poland)
Remigiusz Jokiel
BUDINŻ PB Sp. z o.o. Sp.k.; (Poland)
This paper describes results from studies on the effects of superficial strengthening with FRCM system on compressive strength of autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) masonry. Tests were carried out on models without any strengthening, strengthened at one or both sides. Two-side strengthened masonry demonstrated an increased compressive strength and deformability. Increased deformability was observed for one-side strengthened masonry when compared to tests on masonry without any strengthening.
AAC blocks, compressive strength, FRCM system, superficial strengtheningReferences
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Łukasz DrobiecDepartment of Building Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Silesian University of Technology; Poland
Department of Building Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Silesian University of Technology; Poland
Remigiusz JokielBUDINŻ PB Sp. z o.o. Sp.k.; Poland
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