Application of the TDR measuring technique for in-situ measurements using surface probes

Zbigniew Suchorab

Institute of Environmental Protection Engineering; Environmental Engineering Faculty; Lublin University of Technology (Poland)

Zbyšek Pavlík

Faculty of Civil Engineering; Czech Technical University in Prague (Czechia)

Robert Černý

Faculty of Civil Engineering; Czech Technical University in Prague (Czechia)


The article presents the possibility of in-situ measurements of building barriers moisture using the TDR technique (Time Domain Reflectometry). To minimize the previous disadvantages of the described method – invasive character, several prototypes of the surface probes were manufactured. With such a sensor solution it was possible to conduct the non-invasive measurements using the full TDR method potential – quick measurements and no sensitivity of salinity influence. The measurements were conducted on the brickworks made of red ceramic brick at the old building located on 1st of May Street in Lublin.


moisture measurements, surface TDR probe, reflectometric technique

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Cited by

Suchorab, Z. ., Pavlík , Z. . and Černý, R. . (2011) “Application of the TDR measuring technique for in-situ measurements using surface probes”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 8(1), pp. 097–106. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.2261.


Zbigniew Suchorab 

Institute of Environmental Protection Engineering; Environmental Engineering Faculty; Lublin University of Technology Poland


Zbyšek Pavlík  

Faculty of Civil Engineering; Czech Technical University in Prague Czechia


Robert Černý 

Faculty of Civil Engineering; Czech Technical University in Prague Czechia


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