HOME. Architecture of a house in today’s Poland, problem or challenge?

Krzysztof Kwiatkowski

Chair of Architecture, Urban Design and Town Planning; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology (Poland)


What really is a single family house? The historical fate of the Polish are quite turbulent and confusing. The turbulent history is also a detached building development in Poland. We can not clearly define what it really for each of us is a single - family house. Inside the house man spends much of his life, subordinates the space, creates a place, but do you wonder like to live and what kind of space is around him. Every house is a unique kind of statement objects, colors that everyone creates. Individuality and uniqueness in comparison with the overall impression created? Does is not become a problem that Polish homes landscape is so varied and unreadable. And what is really a Polish home.? Is there a pattern by which we recognize clearly that this is a type of Polish, regional? Do we really need such a type, relying on him to create modern architecture? Most are in the emerging architecture of residential buildings, whose framework we are not able to identify clearly because of the complexity of the problem which is the complexity of human society. The total subordination of single-family housing in order to create a Polish home is not possible. There is also a good solution from the problem of building a house and leaving it to anyone who intends to build his own house. It seems clear that there should be some clear rules or guidelines which could indicate the right way in shaping the single – family houses.


single-family housing, typing, creating the space, architectural

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Cited by

Kwiatkowski, K. . (2010) “HOME. Architecture of a house in today’s Poland, problem or challenge?”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 6(1), pp. 063–070. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.2290.


Krzysztof Kwiatkowski 

Chair of Architecture, Urban Design and Town Planning; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology Poland


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