Roman – catholic churches of the interwar period at the Volyn’s modern architectonic landscape

Olga Mychajłyszyn

National University of Water and Natural Resources in Rivne; Ukraine (Ukraine)


The results of the research of preserved Volynian Roman-catholic churches of the interwar period are represented in the article. During the 1920-30s many cathedrals were built in the region, which became an element of the Polish strengthening in the annexed eastern territories. The power legitimization in Volyn had a great importance because of the polyethnic character of this region and the numeral majority of the Orthodox population. Till our time predominantly stone cathedrals were preserved, which represent the wide architectural-style range and reflect the change process of the style priorities from the folk-romantic direction to constructivism. Besides, each cathedral played a great role in the planning and spatial development of the settlements; it was the compositional center of the building complex, the architectural accent. The state care and preservation of the Roman-catholic churches today is a feature of recognition of these buildings as a part of the European cultural heritage.


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Cited by

Mychajłyszyn, O. . (2010) “ Roman – catholic churches of the interwar period at the Volyn’s modern architectonic landscape”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 6(1), pp. 077–090. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.2292.


Olga Mychajłyszyn 

National University of Water and Natural Resources in Rivne; Ukraine Ukraine


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