“New” identity of a place in the postindustrial Łódź
Jan Wrana
Independent Architectural Lab; Faculty of Building and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
Łódź owes its development in the XIX century and the fall in the XX century to great industry. The period of transformations in the political system, after the year 1989, was the time of daring attempts to revitalize large buildings providing the chance for reviving the life of the postindustrial city. Architects, the creators of changes in these very buildings, have intuitively preserved the modern context and the observance of the heritage assigned to the place, creating, at the same time, “new” identity of the places.
reviving the postindustrial city, the revitalization of the postindustrial complexes, “new” identity of a placeReferences
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Jan WranaIndependent Architectural Lab; Faculty of Building and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology Poland
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