Analysis influence of Dmax on fracture mechanics parameters of concrete made of limestone aggregate at three point bending.

Grzegorz Golewski

Department of Civil Engineering Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology (Poland)


The analysis of concrete behaviour taking into account fracture mechanics method makes it possible to describe the origin and development of the damages occurring in it, which is impossible in case of using global strength characteristics of composite. In the work the experiment results were presented regarding the determination of the influence of grain-size distribution of coarse aggregate on the crack mechanics parameters of limestone concretes as defined according to the I mode of crack propagation at bending. Two types of optimal composition of grains were used with Dmax up to 8 and up to 16 mm. During the experiments the basic parameters of fracture mechanics were determined: critical value of stress intensity factors: : and KIc, fracture energy GF, critical crack tip opening displacement CTODc and unit work of failure JIc. During the fracture toughness tests the method of loading samples based on RILEM recommendations was used. For basic experiments six beams with one initial crack were used. In the course of the experiments carried out, two dependencies were recorded for each sample: load – displacement of crack outlet opening and load - displacement of the point of applied force. In the course of the tests carried out it was found out that the higher fracture toughness was characteristic of concretes with the grain - size distribution up to 16 mm. The results presented in the work can be used in designing concretes in order to obtain materials characterized by the minimum number of initial defects which, thanks to increased fracture toughness, can increase to the reliability of construction work.


Concrete composite, limestone aggregate, graining, brittleness, fracture mechanics

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Cited by

Golewski, G. (2007) “Analysis influence of Dmax on fracture mechanics parameters of concrete made of limestone aggregate at three point bending”., Budownictwo i Architektura, 1(1), pp. 005–016. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.2298.


Grzegorz Golewski 

Department of Civil Engineering Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology Poland


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