Vortex excitation of tower-like structures of circular cross-sections.

Tomasz Lipecki

Department of Structural Mechanics; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology (Poland)


The paper deals with the description of vortex excitation phenomenon in cases of structures of circular cross-sections. Other sources of across-wind load (fluctuations of wind direction or aerodynamic interference) are neglected in this paper. The main aim of this paper is presentation of a theoretical background of a new mathematical model of critical vortex excitation of slender structures of circular cross-sections. All calculations have been performed using own computer programme according to numerical implementation of mathematical model. That programme allows to simulate across-wind action caused by vortices as well as a lateral response of the analysed structure. Simulations of vortex excitation are performed in real time on the basis of lateral displacements. Sensitivity analysis of results has been carried out for the purpose of determination of the importance of particular parameters describing mathematical model for lateral displacement of analysed structures. Final results concerning maximum lateral top displacements of the structures obtained according to the new model have been compared with available full-scale data for steel and concrete chimneys. Maximum lateral top displacements have been also compared with results obtained according to procedures included in codes and standards. Moreover, additional aspects of vortex excitation are presented: the influence of corrosion of steel chimneys and the influence of feedbacks between vortex shedding and lateral vibrations on lateral response of analysed structures.


Vortex excitation, across-wind load, steel chimneys, concrete chimneys

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Cited by

Lipecki, T. . (2007) “Vortex excitation of tower-like structures of circular cross-sections”., Budownictwo i Architektura, 1(1), pp. 119–143. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.2305.


Tomasz Lipecki 

Department of Structural Mechanics; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology Poland


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