Research into steel-concrete bond in fire conditions
Zoja Bednarek
The Main School of Fire Service; Warsaw; Poland (Poland)
Paweł Ogrodnik
The Main School of Fire Service; Warsaw; Poland (Poland)
The article presents results from the research into fire temperature influence on steel-concrete bond and on the bond reduction for both in-fire and after-fire status. Bond tests and its results for materials St3S, 18G2 reinforced steel and C16/20, C40/50 concrete, have been described in the article both for in fire and after-fire conditions. All tests have shown a significant reduction of steel-concrete bond as a result of fire temperature. It was proven, that significant bond differences exist between in-fire and after-fire tests, what demonstrate that the bond is regained partially after the exposure.
bond test, concrete, steel, fire temperatureReferences
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Zoja BednarekThe Main School of Fire Service; Warsaw; Poland Poland
Paweł OgrodnikThe Main School of Fire Service; Warsaw; Poland Poland
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