Experimental and numerical investigation of plywood progressive failure in CT tests
Ivelin Ivanov
Department of Engineering Mechanics; University of Rousse; 8 Studentska str., Rousse 7017; Bulgaria (Bulgaria)
Tomasz Sadowski
Department of Solid Mechanics; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; University of Technology in Lublin (Poland)
Magdalena Filipiak
Department of Solid Mechanics; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; University of Technology in Lublin (Poland)
Marcin Kneć
Applied Mechanics Department; Faculty of Mechanical Engineering; Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
The plywood is considered as a layered cross-ply unidirectional fibre reinforced composite. The experimental Compact Tension (CT) tests carried out in different directions of plywood fibre orientation show that the characteristics of damages are fibre bundle rupture, matrix cracking along the fibres, and delamination at the ply interlayers of glue. The plywood CT specimens are modelled by continuum shell and cohesive finite elements with damage evolution in material models. The Finite Element (FE) model simulates the experimental behaviour of plywood samples very well and allows deep investigation of the different types of damage development and interaction. The FE model of plywood is useful for its lay-up optimization and for development of very efficient in large-scale simulations computational models of plywood.
plywood, veneer, progressive failure, damage, finite element model, finite element simulationReferences
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Ivelin IvanovDepartment of Engineering Mechanics; University of Rousse; 8 Studentska str., Rousse 7017; Bulgaria Bulgaria
Tomasz SadowskiDepartment of Solid Mechanics; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; University of Technology in Lublin Poland
Magdalena FilipiakDepartment of Solid Mechanics; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; University of Technology in Lublin Poland
Marcin KnećApplied Mechanics Department; Faculty of Mechanical Engineering; Lublin University of Technology Poland
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