Asymptotic stress field at the tip of an inclined crack terminating to an interface
Liviu Marsavina
Department Strength of Materials; Politehnica University of Timisoara; Timisoara; Romania (Romania)
Tomasz Sadowski
Department of Solid Mechanics; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; University of Technology in Lublin (Poland)
This paper presents the numerical results for the asymptotic stress field and the fracture parameters at the tip of an inclined cracks terminating to a bi-material ceramic interface. The numerical analysis was carried out using FRANC2D/L fracture analysis code. A biaxial specimen was modeled for producing different mixed mode loads and two materials combinations of Al2O3 and ZrO2 were considered. The influence of the material combination and applied mixed mode load on the singularity orders, stress distributions and stress intensity factors is highlighted.
crack, bi-material interface, asymptotic stress field, stress intensity factorReferences
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Liviu MarsavinaDepartment Strength of Materials; Politehnica University of Timisoara; Timisoara; Romania Romania
Tomasz SadowskiDepartment of Solid Mechanics; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; University of Technology in Lublin Poland
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