The width of skew cracks in the supported zone of beams made from High Performance Concrete (HPC)
Tadeusz Ciężak
Lublin University of Technology; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Department of Construction Management (Poland)
Daniel Wałach
AGH University of Science and Technology (Poland)
The main purpose of the following thesis was to develop a method for calculating the width of skew cracks in the supported zone of beam elements made from High Performance Concrete, using the primary guidelines of the calculation model (substitute truss) used in standard regulations concerning shearing. The author’s own studies have also been described in the thesis. The program of tests, a description of their realization, as well as the results obtained from tests pertaining to adhesiveness and beam elements have also been presented. An analysis of the results obtained was carried out, which was compared to the results of the theoretical analysis based on standard regulations. The last section of the thesis contains the author’s proposed method for calculating the width of skew cracks in the supported zones of elements made from HPC. A comparison was also made between the calculation results obtained on the basis of the proposed method and both the results of the author’s own research as well as the results obtained from studies described in the literature.
Skew cracks, High Performance ConcreteReferences
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Tadeusz CiężakLublin University of Technology; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Department of Construction Management Poland
Daniel WałachAGH University of Science and Technology Poland
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