Has the introduction of the possibility to build a single-family house on the basis of notification really improved the development process? The analysis based on the example of the Capital City of Warsaw (Poland)

Sylwia Kołacińska

Department of Architecture and Construction; Bielany District Office of Warsaw Capital City; (Poland)

Tomasz Zaborowski

Chair of Urban Geography and Spatial Planning; Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies; University of Warsaw; (Poland)


On 28 June 2015 an amendment of the Polish Building Code that abolished a requirement to get a building permission to construct or reconstruct a free standing one-family house, which impact area is limited to the plot on that it is planned, came into force. Since then an erection of such houses has been possible on a basis of notification instead. The goal of this amendment was to simplify the development process in the case of one-family houses. This article is a contribution to the verification of this assumption. Therefore data on notifications that were submitted to respective capital city of Warsaw districts’ offices  have been analysed. Detailed research has been limited to the districts of Bielany and Białołęka.


notification, building permission, simplifying, one-family houses, building code

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Cited by

Kołacińska, S. and Zaborowski, T. (2021) “Has the introduction of the possibility to build a single-family house on the basis of notification really improved the development process? The analysis based on the example of the Capital City of Warsaw (Poland)”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 20(3), pp. 099–118. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.2702.


Sylwia Kołacińska 

Department of Architecture and Construction; Bielany District Office of Warsaw Capital City; Poland


Tomasz Zaborowski 
Chair of Urban Geography and Spatial Planning; Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies; University of Warsaw; Poland


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