Environmental aspects of the production and use of autoclaved aerated concrete with low density

Dmitry Rudchenko

Aeroc LLC; (Ukraine)

Vasyl Serdyuk

Department of Construction, Urban Economy and Architecture; Vinnytsia National Technical University; (Ukraine)


The purpose of the article is to investigate the state of carbon dioxide emissions generated as a result of wall materials production and the construction industry as a whole. The paper provides a comparative analysis of housing construction in Ukraine and in some CIS countries. Against the background of the indicators of low housing availability and low relative volumes of housing construction, the issue of high energy consumption remains valid. The absolute and relative volumes of greenhouse gas emissions from economic activity of the population of Ukraine are given. The projected consequences for Ukraine from continued CO2 emissions on the same level and temperature rise are estimated. It is deemed that the most suitable wall material for countries with emerging economies is autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC); since it is a structural and thermal insulating material, it can solve the problem of housing construction.

The paper shows the key priority of low energy consumption and makes emphasis on lowering the density of the produced aerated concrete, reducing mineral additives and cement production expenses.


greenhouse gases, energy saving, construction, autoclaved aerated concrete, low density

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Cited by

Rudchenko, D. and Serdyuk, V. (2022) “Environmental aspects of the production and use of autoclaved aerated concrete with low density”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 21(1), pp. 019–030. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.2721.


Dmitry Rudchenko 
Aeroc LLC; Ukraine


Vasyl Serdyuk 

Department of Construction, Urban Economy and Architecture; Vinnytsia National Technical University; Ukraine


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