Simplified analytical method for the robustness assessment of precast reinforced concrete structural systems
Viktar Tur of Building Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences; Bialystok University of Technology; (Belarus)
Andrei Tur
Department of Building Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Brest State Technical University; (Belarus)
Aliaksandr Lizahub
Department of Building Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Brest State Technical University; (Belarus)
The article presents the simplified implementation of alternative load path method based on the energy balance approach. This method should be used to check the global resistance of a damaged structural system after the occurrence of an accidental event. Basic assumptions of simplified analytical models for modelling resistance of horizontal ties in a damaged structural system, taking into account the membrane (chain) effects, were presented. An approach to modelling the dynamic resistance of a damaged structural system based on the energy balance method is described. Calculated dependencies for checking the robustness of a prefabricated multi-storey building with hollow-core slabs after the loss of the central column are proposed and considered using an example. On the considered example, a comparison of the required tie sections area with the dynamic resistance designed using the energy balance method (EBM) and according to the current standards, and a statistical assessment of the reliability of the load-bearing capacity models are carried out. In the end, a brief algorithm for the simplified calculation of the dynamic resistance of a damaged structural system is proposed.
robustness, dynamic resistance, ties, energy balance method, membrane effectReferences
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Department of Building Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences; Bialystok University of Technology; Belarus
Andrei TurDepartment of Building Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Brest State Technical University; Belarus
Aliaksandr LizahubDepartment of Building Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Brest State Technical University; Belarus
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