Śródka District in Poznan – physical and mental borders within the city

Teresa Bardzińska-Bonenberg

Faculty of Architecture and Design; University of the Arts Poznan; (Poland)


Śródka had existed before Poznań was established. Access to water and the main route from the east to the west let it become a stable trade and manufacturing centre. Under Prussian rule the floods which followed were a result of construction of the Prussian fortress. The district became less attractive. The interwar period brought some changes for the better. The Second World War operations, demolition of the bridge and of the tramway line was followed by a new double lane road built on the Śródka Market Square area and have separated the district from the city. In 2006 Śródka became a part of the Urban Redevelopment Program. Rental fees immediately went up, as a result of which most shops and few remaining eating places were closed and the most prospective residents moved out. However, the subsequent programs turned out to be successful: the Royal-Imperial Route has attracted tourists while the Gate of Poznań Museum and a large mural referring to the history and the atmosphere of the old Śródka have changed the image of the district. They have been followed by new eating places, shops and a hotel. The Śródka District Council has been cooperating with architects and artists to integrate residents and make the citizens of Poznań accustomed to the ”new”, interesting, historical district of the city. The purpose of the report is to present the activities of the local community which influences the decisions made by the city authorities. It was possible to change the course of events because there has existed an objecting group putting forward reasonable ideas and implementing them.


decisions, development, degradation, contradiction, community, administration

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Cited by

Bardzińska-Bonenberg, T. . (2017) “Śródka District in Poznan – physical and mental borders within the city”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 16(1), pp. 089–098. doi: 10.24358/Bud-Arch_17-161_08.


Teresa Bardzińska-Bonenberg 

Faculty of Architecture and Design; University of the Arts Poznan; Poland


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