The influence of the police on vehicle speed in built-up areas

Marcin Dębiński
Department of Roads and Bridges; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology; (Poland)

Janusz Bohatkiewicz

Department of Roads, Railways and Traffic Engineering; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Cracow University of Technology; (Poland)


In many cases, the effects of road accidents have significant impact on human health. This translates directly into society, in both material and emotional terms. The severity of the injury in a road event depends largely on the speed of the vehicles. Excessive vehicle speed is of particular concern in incidents involving vulnerable road users. As confirmed by literature analysis and research, in most cases drivers do not respect the speed limits introduced by the road signs. Existing solutions allow to introduce permanent or temporary speed control. This paper investigates speeding and driver behaviour in built-up areas near schools and pedestrian
crossings. The aim of the research described in the paper is to determine the influence of the effectiveness of police actions on speed reduction and improvement of road safety.


speed, traffic safety, police, speed management

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Cited by

Dębiński, M. and Bohatkiewicz, J. (2022) “The influence of the police on vehicle speed in built-up areas”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 21(2), pp. 017–030. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.2873.


Marcin Dębiński
Department of Roads and Bridges; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology; Poland


Janusz Bohatkiewicz 

Department of Roads, Railways and Traffic Engineering; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Cracow University of Technology; Poland


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