The evaluation of dynamic of designed truss railway bridge in the light of Eurocodes standards
Radosław Oleszek of Bridges; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology; (Poland)
Mirosław Wyrzykowski
Pomost S.C., bridge design office; (Poland)
Krzysztof Grej
Pomost S.C., bridge design office; (Poland)
Jerzy Bąk
Pomost S.C., bridge design office; (Poland)
According to the amendment of the "railway" Regulation of June 2014, railway bridges should be designed on the basis of PN-EN (Eurocode) standards, which extended the scope of computational analysis at the stage of structural design with dynamic issues. It includes theoretical modal analysis (eigenvalue problem) along with assessment of structural sensitivity to selected forms of vibration, traveler comfort and time-step analysis (integration of traffic equations under standard HSLM trains). In some cases, at planned train speeds v≤200 km/h, the dynamic calculations of the system can be reduced to modal analysis. The study presents the evaluation of the design of the truss railway bridge with a span of Lt=75.0 m in dynamic terms as required by Eurocodes. Moreover, the impact of applied construction solutions on the modal characteristics of the bridge is commented.
truss bridge, railway bridge, dynamic analysis, modal analysis, Eurocodes, FEMReferences
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Department of Bridges; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology; Poland
Mirosław WyrzykowskiPomost S.C., bridge design office; Poland
Krzysztof GrejPomost S.C., bridge design office; Poland
Jerzy BąkPomost S.C., bridge design office; Poland
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