Local vertical compressive stress in the crane runway beam web
Łukasz Polus
lukasz.polus@put.poznan.plInstitute of Building Engineering; Faculty of Civil and Transport Engineering; Poznan University of Technology; Piotrowo 5, 60-965 Poznań, Poland (Poland)
Marcin Chybiński
Institute of Building Engineering; Faculty of Civil and Transport Engineering; Poznan University of Technology; (Poland)
Zdzisław Kurzawa
The President Stanislaw Wojciechowski State University of Applied Sciences in Kalisz; (Poland)
In this paper, the authors analysed several variants of connections between a block rail (60 mm × 60 mm) and a crane runway beam (IKS 800-6). They compared local vertical compressive stress in the crane runway beam web, calculated using an analytical approach and numerical simulations. In the case of the continuous block rail rigidly fixed to the beam flange, satisfactory convergence was obtained. For the remaining types of connections the results based on the analytical method were different from the results of the numerical simulations. The difference resulted from the fact that the analytical method did not take into account the crane rail joint. Furthermore, the impact of the elastomeric bearing pad on the local stress value was taken into account in a simplified manner in the analytical method by increasing the effective length by approximately 30%. The local vertical compressive stress in the crane runway beam web was significantly affected by the connection between the rail and the crane runway beam, the crane rail joint type, the use of the elastomeric bearing pad, the length of the elastomeric bearing pad, and the crane rail wear.
crane runway beam, local stress, crane rail, steel structuresReferences
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Łukasz Poluslukasz.polus@put.poznan.pl
Institute of Building Engineering; Faculty of Civil and Transport Engineering; Poznan University of Technology; Piotrowo 5, 60-965 Poznań, Poland Poland
Marcin ChybińskiInstitute of Building Engineering; Faculty of Civil and Transport Engineering; Poznan University of Technology; Poland
Zdzisław KurzawaThe President Stanislaw Wojciechowski State University of Applied Sciences in Kalisz; Poland
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