Optimization of the functional concept of the minimum apartment – a study on a selected example. The role of functional details
Andrzej Tokajuk
a.tokajuk@pb.edu.plFaculty of Architecture; Bialystok University of Technology; (Poland)
The article shows the study about functional concepts of a small apartment. For the research the author has chosen 27,3 m2 apartment from the estate „Za Żelazną Bramą” in Warsaw. The study works on the optimization of minimum apartment model for 1-2 occupants that could meet contemporary standards. The study has proved that the original layout of the apartment can be improved to bring it closer to contemporary requirements. It turned out that improvements and changes mainly concerned dimensions and arrangement of the kitchen and bathroom. Theliving space could also be modified – good results have been obtained by implementing innovative details. The last simulation performed in the research (purely hypothetical) showed that the best optimization result could be obtained by slightly enlarging the basic plan of the apartment.
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apartment, flat, functional concept, layout, detailReferences
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Andrzej Tokajuka.tokajuk@pb.edu.pl
Faculty of Architecture; Bialystok University of Technology; Poland
Andrzej Tokajuk – architect, doctor of technical sciences, works at the Faculty of Architecture at Bialystok University of Technology. He is the author and co-author of several dozen scientific publications indexed, among others in the Web of Science and Scopus databases, participant of international scientific EU programmes. He deals with issues of designing housing architecture, urban planning of housing complexes, living standards, revitalization and development of urban structures and theory of architecture.
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