Graffiti on bridges

Sławomir Karaś

Department of Roads and Bridges; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology (Poland)

Maciej Kowal

Department of Roads and Bridges; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology (Poland)

Anna Leniak-Tomczyk
DrogMost Lubelski Sp. z o.o. (Poland)


The article dealt with a problem of graffiti on bridges. Graffiti can be perceived as a form of artistic expression. Two historical examples of graffiti, one from antiquity times and the other one from the forties of the past century were presented. An attempt was made in order to define the graffiti on the basis of the analysis of the Lublin’s graffiti culture The obtained descriptive characteristic/definition of graffiti indicates stable, independent and even illegal activity which seems to be impossible to be constricted. The graffiti was examined on the example of Santiago Calatrava bridges. On the basis of simple statistical method, which was applied, the groups of students assessed the displayed graffiti on bridges by answering the questions by means of 1/0 estimation (positive/negative impression). The reliable results were obtained. It was concluded that some graffiti on bridges can optionally be accepted and therefore can be remained as a result of rational judgement of the artistic expression.


bridges, aesthetics, graffiti

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Cited by

Karaś, S., Kowal, M. and Leniak-Tomczyk, A. (2016) “Graffiti on bridges”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 15(1), pp. 051–060. doi: 10.24358/Bud-Arch_16_151_05.


Sławomir Karaś 

Department of Roads and Bridges; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology Poland


Maciej Kowal 

Department of Roads and Bridges; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology Poland


Anna Leniak-Tomczyk
DrogMost Lubelski Sp. z o.o. Poland


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