The road drainage against the legal protection of herpetofauna

Małgorzata Półtorak
General Director for National Roads and Motorways (Poland)


Construction of roads causes interference in the environment, resulting in number of ecological changes. Site facilities associated with road structures, including drainage system of a lane, play a significant role among environmental impacts. It affects particular elements of the environment, causing changes in existing ecosystems, in terms of, among others, surface and groundwater, soil, landscape and lively nature. The paper presents impact of a drainage system of a road on animal nature, mainly herpetofauna. Results of a control of a drainage system facilities for the presence of amphibians are shown for selected sections of roads commissioned by General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways Katowice Branch. Basic problems associated with active protection of animals on completed road investments and methods to minimize the impact of drainage system on amphibians are also presented in the paper.


herpetofauna, drainage facilities, monitoring of road objects

Wyniki monitoringu szczelności ogrodzeń ochronnych wzdłuż A-1, monitoring śmiertelności zwierząt na drodze oraz monitoring obecności i stanu zabezpieczeń pułapek antropogenicznych mogących powodować uwięzienie zwierząt w obrębie pasa drogowego odcinka A-1 Pyrzowice – Piekary Śląskie km PB 475+327,65 – 490+427, km obecny odc. 1d 0+583 – 14+029 oraz odc. 1c 0+900 – 21+147, SEPO, Knurów 2015
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Cited by

Półtorak, M. (2016) “The road drainage against the legal protection of herpetofauna”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 15(1), pp. 081–086. doi: 10.24358/Bud-Arch_16_151_08.


Małgorzata Półtorak
General Director for National Roads and Motorways Poland


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