Impact of recycled aggregate brick on the physical-mechanical and environmental characteristics of cement treated bases

Youcef Toumi
Department of Civil Engineering; Laboratory of Materials and Durability of Construction (LMDC); Faculty of Technology; University of Mentouri Constantine I; (Algeria)

Samy Mezhoud

Department of Civil Engineering; Faculty of Technology; University of Mentouri Constantine I; (Algeria)

Otmane Boukendakdji

Department of Civil Engineering; Laboratory Materials and Environment (LME); Faculty of Technology; University of Médéa; (Algeria)

Moussa Hadjadj

Department of Civil Engineering; Faculty of Technology; University of Médéa ; (Algeria)


Recycled aggregate brick (RAB) constitutes a significant waste stream in developed countries, originating from brick manufacturing and demolition processes. This paper investigates the potential utilization of various sizes of RAB as replacements for natural aggregate (NA) in cement-treated bases (CTB), along with an assessment of their mechanical and environmental properties. The study includes a life cycle analysis to evaluate the environmental impacts of different CTB formulations. The novelty of this study lies in the environmental evaluation of four types of CTB, including natural, recycled, and mixed CTB. The physical and mechanical properties of the recycled brick and natural materials are characterized and compared. Results indicate that recycled brick aggregates, when combined with a cement mixture, can be used as a base and sub-base layer with good mechanical performance. Moreover, environmental analyses demonstrate that recycled aggregate generates fewer impacts than natural aggregates. Consequently, this study suggests that the utilization of recycled aggregates brick in CTB offers a sustainable waste management solution while simultaneously contributing to the reduction of environmental impacts associated with construction activities.


Cement Treated Base, Life Cycle Analysis, Physical-mechanical, Recycled Aggregate Brick

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Cited by

Toumi, Y. (2023) “Impact of recycled aggregate brick on the physical-mechanical and environmental characteristics of cement treated bases”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 22(3), pp. 027–044. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.3645.


Youcef Toumi
Department of Civil Engineering; Laboratory of Materials and Durability of Construction (LMDC); Faculty of Technology; University of Mentouri Constantine I; Algeria


Samy Mezhoud 

Department of Civil Engineering; Faculty of Technology; University of Mentouri Constantine I; Algeria


Otmane Boukendakdji 

Department of Civil Engineering; Laboratory Materials and Environment (LME); Faculty of Technology; University of Médéa; Algeria


Moussa Hadjadj 

Department of Civil Engineering; Faculty of Technology; University of Médéa ; Algeria


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