Public urban places as a space stimulating human needs
Dariusz Gaweł
d.gawel@pollub.plIndependent Architectural Design Studio; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology; (Poland)
Anna Szafranek
Independent Architectural Design Studio; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology; (Poland)
This article is an attempt to define the conditions under which human social needs can be fulfilled through the creation of urban public spaces in Poland. In a vivid way the authors try to determine how the creation and transformation of urban public spaces can best meet human needs. The spatial transformations of Polish urban centers, both large and small, have intensified and are rapidly developing. The reasons for these changes are undoubtedly due to the economic and political developments currently taking place in Poland, which are having a big influence on the organization of urban environments. The analysis undertaken here of research findings on public places takes into account the current trends in the transformation of the built environment of cities such as urban revitalization.
public space, square, organization and functioning of cities, human social needsReferences
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Dariusz Gaweł
Independent Architectural Design Studio; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology; Poland
Anna SzafranekIndependent Architectural Design Studio; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology; Poland
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