Simultaneity and compilation versus image of a place

Grzegorz Nawrot
Faculty of Architecture; Silesian University of Technology; (Poland)


Architecture – is demarcation of space, built of material which is a compilation of tangible and intangible elements. Human life is of spatial nature, it takes place in space of man’s existence: created by him and found by him. A man exists in behavioural space, among architecture of the city which is kind of a medium – means of communicating information cumulating into the contents perceived by him. A man lives in real and virtual space as well as in a space which is a synergy of them both. Junction – is a meeting place: of walkways, streets… Constructed as a place formally and functionally important: for meetings in the city. It has its synergic function. Constructing junctions – means building possibilities for prospective Places for Strategic Intervention. These are places: for creating events and a kind of gate into different sensations, perception of material and virtual world and phantasmagorias – which are a consequence of their interrelationships. They are constructed by: signifi cance in the geography of the city, usability, volumetric form, historical events and contemporarily broadcast information.


Heterotrophy, architecture, junction, compilation place, frame for events

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Cited by

Nawrot, G. (2018) “Simultaneity and compilation versus image of a place”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 17(2), pp. 029–038. doi: 10.24358/Bud-Arch_18_172_03.


Grzegorz Nawrot
Faculty of Architecture; Silesian University of Technology; Poland


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