Thinking, building, remember – architectural and landscape creations “in remembrance”. Case study of the Royal Arsenal in Woolwich, London

Renata Jóźwik
Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture; University of Life Sciences in Lublin; (Poland)


The article presents how architectural and landscape issues relate to the past, in particular the signifi cance of an authenticity of an object or place, its context, and how „expanding reality” described by Lev Manovich infl uences the architectural design. In the article references to selected sociological concepts of Manovich, Goffman, Nora, Bauman, paying attention to the dispersion of the subject matter into other fi elds of science. Based on the paradigm presented in the scenography space, a study of the restructuring of the Royal Arsenal area in Woolwich, London, which illustrates the contemporary problems of heritage protection.


heritage protection, The Royal Arsenal in London, urban restructuring

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Cited by

Jóźwik, R. (2018) “Thinking, building, remember – architectural and landscape creations ‘in remembrance’. Case study of the Royal Arsenal in Woolwich, London”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 17(2), pp. 107–116. doi: 10.24358/Bud-Arch_18_172_09.


Renata Jóźwik
Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture; University of Life Sciences in Lublin; Poland


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