Strategic urban nodes in the big cities of South-East Asia
Dariusz Gaweł
d.gawel@pollub.plIndependent Architectural Design Studio; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology; (Poland)
This article addresses the problem of shaping public spaces within fastemerging neighborhoods and new buildings in major South-East Asian cities. Nowadays, the creation of new urban trends has been reduced in Europe (where the revitalization process is still leading), moving to Asia where huge new neighborhoods and cities are being created in our eyes (often violently and rapidly). The problems discussed in the article relate both to the way of shaping the structure of public spaces of big cities, including new urban phenomena emerging from the background of known and diagnosed phenomena such as metropolization or globalization. Strategic elements of the metropolitan structure of large Asian cities are often contributing to the creation of new independent districts – regions that affect the division and fragmentation of the public space itself, and consequently the isolation of independent centers.
strategic nodes, public space, big cities, South – East Asia, metropolization, globalizationReferences
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Dariusz Gaweł
Independent Architectural Design Studio; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology; Poland
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