Photographic image in the commercial messaging as an immanent element of the city landscape

Agnieszka Chęć-Małyszek
Department of Architecture and Urban Planning; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology; (Poland)


Cities, as the centres for the people’s existence, have become an ideal place for interweaving the commercial into their landscape. Advertisement has become a part of our lives and one cannot imagine today’s metropolis without billboards. In the culture of the city, the commercial has started to be an integral part of the city landscape which used to play an important role in social and cultural life of citizens creating by that a specifi c culture. Photography,invariably linked with advertisement, might be manifested by all sorts of creative actions, forming one of the most important means of creative expression. While watching commercials, we tend to notice not only what marketing profesionals are trying to sell but also how they are going to introduce the product. Advertisement is associated with a public space, infl uences its development and arrangement.


picture, photography, advertising, advertising photography, city landscape

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Cited by

Chęć-Małyszek, A. (2018) “Photographic image in the commercial messaging as an immanent element of the city landscape”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 17(2), pp. 193–204. doi: 10.24358/Bud-Arch_18_172_16.


Agnieszka Chęć-Małyszek
Department of Architecture and Urban Planning; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology; Poland


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